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International Women’s Day 2022: Know about the theme, significance and history of IWD celebration


It has been said, “the progress of a nation depends on the progress of a woman”.

International Women's Day (IWD) is celebrated all over the world on 8 March every year to mark the contribution and achievements of women  in the cultural, social, political and economic development of a nation.

The purpose of International Women's Day is to bring attention to the social, political, economic, and cultural issues that women face, and to advocate for the advance of women within all those areas.

Theme of International Women's Day 2022 is to promote ‘Gender Equality for a sustainable tomorrow’,

'Break The Bias' is the campaign theme for International Women's Day 2022. Bias, whether intentional or unconscious, makes it difficult for women to advance. It's not enough to be aware that bias exists. To level the playing field, action is required.

For 2022, the United Nations has included themes like gender equality and sustainability. Sustainability refers to using resources in such a way that the future generations can also make use of them.

"Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality. Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.”

“Celebrate women's achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality."

How International Women's Day is celebrated,

This day marks the existence of a gender-equal world that is free from bias, discrimination against women, and stereotypes.

According to UNESCO, "International Women's Day is an occasion to celebrate the progress made towards achieving gender equality and women's empowerment but also to critically reflect on those accomplishments and strive for a greater momentum towards gender equality worldwide."

To express our respect towards women, IWD is a global event and celebrated in different ways in all part of the world.

Russia, China. In countries like Cambodia, Nepal, there is a government holiday.

In Italy it is celebrate  by giving flowers of Misosa and in some countries, children show their respect to their mothers by giving gifts to their mothers. So in many countries, men show their gratitude to their wives, female friends, mothers and sisters by giving them gifts.

While, in India, women-based programs are organized and messages and awards are given to them. To celebrate the occasion, several public programmes, rallies, and discussions are organized. Women from different parts of the country take part in these programmes. Shakti Puraskars are also organized by the Ministry of Women and Child Development on 8 March.

A brief history of International Women's Day Celebration,


'International Women's Day' started during a women's labor movement in the year 1908 in New York City, USA.

IWD was first celebrated on March 19 (not the later March 8), 1911. A million women and men rallied in support of women's rights (like reducing working hours, getting good salary and voting) on that first International Women's Day. The idea of an International Women's Day was inspired by America's National Women's Day, February 28, 1909, declared by the Socialist Party of America.

Not even a week after the first International Women's Day, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire killed 146 people, mostly young immigrant women, in New York City. That incident inspired many changes in industrial working conditions, and the memory of those who died has been often invoked as part of International Women's Days from that point on.

Clara Zetkin proposes to celebrate Women's Day internationally,

In the year 1910, during the International Conference of Working Women in Copenhagen, capital of the European country Denmark, German activist Clara Zetkin proposed to celebrate Women's Day internationally for the first time.

The conference was attended by more than 1000 women from 17 countries. Who unanimously passed this proposal of Clara.

The next year, the Socialist International met in Denmark and delegates approved the idea of an International Women's Day. After this, on March 19, 1911, the first International Women's Day or as it was first called, International Working Women's Day was celebrated with rallies in Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Celebrations often included marches and other demonstrations.

But the formal recognition of International Women's Day was received from the United Nations on 8 March 1975 according to the 'Gregorian Calendar'. Since then, this day is celebrated globally every year as International Women's Day.

Especially in the early years, International Women's Day was connected with working women's rights.

The United Nations aims at highlighting the contribution of women and girls who are participating in different activities such as climate change adaptation, mitigation, and other works that help to build a sustainable future for all.

Slogans for IWD,

These slogans for women's day will bring a new hope and direction to women's right and empowerment...

-It is not easy to be a woman.

-Women are inspirations for everyone.

-Women make this world so beautiful.

-Cheers to all the women on Women’s Day.

-A woman makes this world complete.

-Empowering women is empowering the world.

-Women’s empowerment must not be underestimated.

-Let us empower women to impart strength.

-Strong women raise their children stronger.

-Never miss on empowering women to empower everyone around.

-Women empowerment is the need of the hour.

-Empowering women is extremely important.

-Behind every successful man is a woman.

-Celebrating the Elegance of womanhood.

-Don’t abuse the power of women.

-Everyone should be on an equal level.

-Man and women are human beings.

-All we ask for is equal respect!

-Maintain the dignity of women.

-Feminism is the solution.

-Equal wages for equal work.

-NEVER discourage a woman.

-Encourage the working of women.

-Feel free to express.

-Support feminism and not anti-feminism.

-Don’t lose hope,  fight till your last breath.

-Rise and shine.

-One Girl with Courage is Revolution

-Honour, Love, Respect Woman.

-We are the storm and we will leave light in our wake.

-Empowering Women, Empowering Humanity.

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