Gaza's deaf women presenting the sad condition of their deprived children through 'Animation'


Gaza, a 6 to 10 km wide and 45 km long region located to the south-west of Israel, has long been facing terrible social and worse economic conditions like unemployment. Which is adversely affecting the children of middle-income families. A short Animation Film, made by eight women from Gaza is presenting this sad condition of the region.

These eight hearing-impaired women have used animation to describe the sad and heartbreaking situations of their children who are even deprived of basic needs. These women want other children of the society to know about the condition of their little ones. For this reason, they have made these short films by using animations that seem to be interesting to children.

The social truth about Israeli region Gaza is  that it currently struggling with a problem of 49% unemployment rate. In these conditions, these eight deaf women are hopeful that the animation films they have created will be able to make people aware of the bad and wilted lives of their children and at the same time strengthen their economic condition. So far these women have made two short animation movies.

These women have told, they had many other options in addition to animation, but both children and adults love animation and the effect of the things explained through animation lasts for a long time. Therefore, they have chosen animation to give a real shape to their ideas with the hope of a good income.

These women have made two short animation films. In which a film is based on the sign language while the, other film shows the situation in Gaza where the unemployment rate is 49 percent and how the people here have been fighting for their rights for a long time. The story of these films also shows how the inability of these women act as an obstacle in their path, yet these women are embracing the skills to achieve their cause by not giving up.

When these eight women were asked how they accomplish their objective of making an animation film, they replied that they use simple techniques to make an animation film. In which they designs the character first. Then shoot the film using stop motion application from their cellphone.

These women hope that through this skill they can get a job. However, there is a fear among them that due to being unable to listen, it can be difficult for them to get or do any job. The group trainer of the same group, Hanen Koroz said – “the project offered the women to promote their cause and pursue their ambitions through art and creativity and their dreams of becoming self-reliant can be fulfilled.”

A 27-year-old woman Hina Abu Zajar of the same group explains through her sign language- I love cartoons since childhood. I also love making animation films and teaching others. Hopefully through this work, I will get a job somewhere which will improve the financial condition of my family in future.

Watch also: Women with hearing loss in Gaza make animations to raise awareness

- Source: Reuters

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