Leaving her footprints in the world of art, Swapna Augustin - 'An armless artist'


Have you ever imagined that if a part of your body was accidentally incapacitated then how will you do your daily work and if a person is born with this deficiency, then his life would be so painful. 
Swapna Augustin, a resident of Paingottoor in Arnakulam district of Kerala, has not had both hands since birth. But she is not using this situation as a physical deficiency, and is using it as a driving force and strength for herself. Swapna not only does daily work with the help of her feet, but for the last 15 years she has made more than 4000 beautiful paintings by using her big toe and index toe. It wouldn’t be wrong if say that through her art, Swapna has proved that art requires soul, not body.

Swapna pays tribute to Leonardo da Vinci with her paintings

Since childhood, Swapna has considered personalities such as Leonardo da Vinci, Mother Teresa and Albert Einstein as an inspiration for her and pays tribute to them through her paintings. In a conversation with THE HINDU news paper she says- "Leonardo is my hero as an artist, while scientist Einstein was born disabled and Stephen Hawking, who spent his life in a wheel chair, also won over disability, while Mother Teresa Has helped the Dalits, I have no other way than painting to pay my respects to these great people."

Swapna does painting with the help of her toe and index finger

Born without both hands, 40-year-old Swapna has done more than 4000 paintings in the last 15 years. It would not be wrong to say that she uses her legs as an artistic weapon. She holds her brush using her left toe and shows her expressions on the canvas.

Swapna has participated in many international competitions

Owing to her fine art, Swapna has participated in exhibitions organized not only in Kerala but also globally. Under which she went to Singapore in the year 2012 where the Association of the whole of Asia (AMFPA) took participate. Not only this, she has also gone to Qatar, Dubai and Turkey. Everywhere his mother Sophie accompanies him. She has also participated in a five-day art camp held in Goa recently.

In addition to canvas, Swapna also paints glass and mural

With her art and strength, Swapna paints the 24 inches X 18 inches large canvas. She currently paints glass and mural in addition to canvas. Due to her physical condition she is unable to sit for more than 2 to 3 hours. It takes them 5 to 8 days to complete a panting.

God has given special talent to Swapna

In a conversation with THE HINDU  Swapna says - "Despite being handicapped since childhood, God has given me a special talent that inspires me to make my paintings"

Swapna is also a member of AMFPA Switzerland

Today Swapna is also a member of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists, Switzerland. There are 7 more members in this association from Kerala, out of which 4 paint with their mouths. There are 24 such artists all over India while their number is 700 in 80 countries of the world.

Swapna proves we don’t need body but soul to create something

After she finishes a painting, she couriers it to the society. This not only brings remuneration but also confidence. She still paints flowers and landscapes but also portraits of humans and gods. Stunningly simple and realistic, the pictures have a great universality that goes down well with art lovers abroad. She proves through her paintings that one don’t need body but soul to create something.


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