Global Health 50/50 report shows - Sex differences in Corona Virus


Recently, Global Health 50/50, an organization working against gender discrimination in the health sector, has released Corona data for 50 countries. Through this study, a shocking truth has been revealed by which, Corona is infecting people on the basis of their gender. According to this research, men are being more affected and killed by Covid-19 than women.

According to Dr. Hamendra Singh Parmar, Head of the research team of ‘The School of Biotechnology’ of Devi Ahilya University, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, "Corona data for 50 countries were released by Global Health 50/50. In which by November 2020, the number of deaths of men is almost three times more compare to the women due to Corona."

He added - "During the research, we had include the effect of covid along with drugs and treatment of breast cancer  in women, as an important subject of our study. As well as the risk of corona infection was preferably observed in such patients who are also suffering from cancer, diabetes and heart disease. After comparing and studying the data of 250 major research studies worldwide, the result revealed that the hormones 'Estrogen' found in women and the ‘Testosterone’ hormone which is  found in men play different roles in the spread of corona infection. As the conclusion, it was observed that the hormone Estrogen found in women is reducing the risk of corona infection and boost immunity among women"

After a comparative study of corona infection in women and men, Dr. Parmar concludes that "Corona enters any human body through the 'ACE-2 Receptor'. Female Estrogen hormone reduces the number of ACE-2 Receptor in the body. While the male Testosterone hormone increases this receptor in the body. This is why decreasing the ACE-2 Receptor reduces the risk of corona infection in women. Also, soluble ACE-2 Receptors are produced in the body by Estrogen. Female hormones also give the body more anti-inflammatory ability. That is why women have better immunity and great ability to bear pain. This is why Estrogen hormone is reducing the risk and severity of corona in women. Whereas, in men their hormone  Testosteron  increases the risk.

However, the research team of Indore's 'School of Biotechnology' at Devi Ahilya University has come on the result that the number of women killed in corona infection is three times less. The university’s research findings have also been published in the latest issue of well known American  journal “Current Cancer Drug Targets”

In fact, in April 2020 the ‘Indian Ministry of Health’ also presented figures in this context. According to which corona virus infection was 76% in males, while 24% was confirmed in females. In which, presenting the statistics of deaths from corona, it was reported that - 73% of infected men have died so far, while 27% of infected women have lost their lives.

What is the situation of other countries except India

Data released by the National Institutes of Health of Italy’ revealed that 60% of Corona positive cases are males, while only 23% are females. Similarly, 70% of the corona dead are males, while females constitute only 20%.

On the other hand, according to the report of the ‘Chinese Center of Disease Control’ - out of 44 thousand infected with the corona virus, 2.8% of men have died, while the death rate of women is only 1.7%.

Dr. Pearl, head of ‘UT South Western Medical Center, Taxes’ said that the inequality seen in infections and deaths due to corona virus is not new. Earlier this condition was also seen during global epidemics like SARS (SEVERE ACUTE RESPORATRY SYNDROME) and MERS (MIDDEL EAST RESPORATORY SYNDROME). In which men were more infected than women.


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