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The Carnegie Mellon snake robot has finally mastered the art of slithering up a sandy slope. (Image credit: Nico Zevallos and Chaohui Gong) |
To study animal behavior researchers have created bio-inspired robots (Biobots), which is relatively a new subcategory of robotics that involves fabricating robots inspired by biological systems and beings.
robots that can fly like birds and creep like cockroaches are helping
researchers to understand more about how animals move and behave in the natural
world. Scientist are using robotic animals to learn about real ones.
offer one big advantage over live animals, they do what researchers tell them
to do. That gives scientists a degree of control over their experiments that
can be difficult or impossible to achieve in any other way.
you can build a robot that you can embed in a group of animals as a stooge, and
they accept that robot as one of them, then you can make the robot do things
and see how real animals respond,” says Dora Biro, an animal cognition
researcher at the University of Rochester, New York.
employing bio robots undercover to study animal behavior
scientists are sending these bio-robots creatures undercover to get a
closer look at the lives of animals. Take a look at some of these bio-inspired
robots that enthusiastically show the limits of engineering.
robot, USA
researchers created this robotic bat, dubbed ‘B2’, to help them
understand bat flight. B2 can execute sharp diving manoeuvres and banking turns
and, as well as providing a way to mimic and study the flight mechanisms of
real bats, it may feed into the design of more agile flying robots of the
future, helping us reach inaccessible places without sustaining damage or
causing injury.
an article published in the journal Science Robotics, they explain how they
stretched a 56-micrometre-thick (one micrometre = one-thousandth of a
millimetre), silicone-based skin over B2’s wings, enabling it “to morph
its articulated structure in mid-air without losing an effective and smooth
aerodynamic surface”.
bat flight is fiendishly complex, requiring a system of muscles, bones and
joints that incorporate folding of the wings in every wingbeat."
falcon robot, USA
small robot inspired by the way peregrine falcons and parrots fly and land on
branches could revolutionize how we research wildlife and the environment, a
new study has claimed.
robot consists of a quadcopter drone and a pair of 3D-printed peregrine falcon
feet, complete with motors and fishing line to mimic the gripping motions of
the birds’ muscles and tendons, allowing it to stabilise itself and to carry
idea for this perching robot came from Stanford University engineer William
Roderick, who was looking for a way to make a positive impact on the
environment using his background in robotics.
a Science Robotics article published in 2021, the researchers described how
they modelled their robot’s legs on those of a peregrine falcon, incorporating
motors to rotate the hips in the direction of the perch and artificial tendons
that flex the toes and lock to grip.
robot, China & Japan
scientists want to learn more about human mental disorders, they often look to
animals with similar brains, such as rats and mice. These animals can act as
important ‘models’ for human disease.
in an effort to help standardize these interactions, at least from one side,
Chinese and Japanese researchers collaborated to produce the WR-5, a robotic
rat that interacts with real rats to study social integration. While they say
it needs to be able to perform more complex behaviors like grooming, WR-5 did
have a noticeable impact on behavior towards a ‘target’ rat, encouraging other
rats to try to mate with the target. The researchers even suggest that with
development it could have a potential role in helping to pacify stressed lab
robot, UK
robotic falcon is helping researchers answer one of the most intriguing
questions in animal behaviour, are animals naturally selfish, or do they try to
protect the group as a whole?
researchers from the UK and the Netherlands sent their robotic bird of prey
into a flock of pigeons. They came to the conclusion, “We find no support
for a selfish herd hypothesis in pigeon flocks,” they concluded in a Current
Biology article published in 2021. Instead, they favour cooperative behavior,
which could have evolved because there is a decent chance of the whole group
surviving, meaning, of course, that each individual survives too.
robot, Germany
researchers have been employing a robotic fish to help them understand
collective behavior in guppy pairings. Writing in the journal Biology Letters
in 2020, the team explained that they moved a 3D-printed plastic fish replica
around using magnets attracted to a wheeled robot beneath the test tank. The
robot was programmed to copy the speed and direction of the individual fish it
was partnered with and to stay the same distance away.
robot, USA
might have four legs instead of six, but this 4.5cm-long cockroach-like robot
gets the most out of them, scuttling around and scaling walls like its insect
counterparts, seems to be go anywhere.
by Harvard University engineers, the 1.5g bot is based on an earlier design for
miniature walking robots, and can climb vertical and curved surfaces, including
parts from the inside of a jet engine.
and fish robots, Europe
researchers have used these robot to help bees and fish communicate over long
distance. In 2019, a team of engineers from four European universities managed
to get Austrian honeybees to talk to Swiss zebrafish by sending in robot bees
and robot fish – that they called ‘agents’ – to infiltrate their social groups.
These robot go-betweens tailored their messaging to their assigned species,
with the robo-fish using colours and tail movements, while a stationary bee
robot (the white device in this image) vibrated and changed temperature to
transmit information.
Researchers can move Robobee (shown at center) and vibrate its plastic wing to simulate the "waggle dance" that honeybees use to tell their hive mates where to locate food sources. Robobee's waggle dance is good enough to guide real bees to new food sources sometimes.
Source: Science Focus