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Saathi Pads: Menstrual pads made from banana fibres are Biodegradable


India's startup Saathi pads make menstrual pads from Banana fibres

It is not possible for economically weaker women to afford the expense of sanitary pads during periods. In such circumstances, they are forced to use dirty clothes or grass and mud instead of pads during menstruation. One in four women in India don't have the supplies they need for their period. Unavailability of menstrual pads specifically affects girls entering puberty age, it can affect their reproductive and urinary tract.

According to the National Horticulture Board (India): India leads the world in banana production with an annual output of about 14.2 million tonnes, but the stalks of it normally go to waste.

Now a startup 'Saathi Pads'  is turning those stalks into 100% biodegradable sanitary pads made from banana and bamboo fibers. These pads are free from harsh chemicals and biodegrade within six months, good for all menstruating women in India. Moreover, these fibre sanitary pads are highly absorbent and can handle heavy flows.

Saathi biodegradable sanitary pad allowing women throughout India to no longer miss school/work during their periods. Saathi believes in taking a cradle-to-cradle approach to women’s menstrual health, which benefits women and their communities at every step in the process.

Saathi Biodegradable Sanitary Pads are made from local banana fiber and are distributed in effective and relevant ways, with education and outreach. The startup takes responsibility for the waste, by giving women ways to dispose, collect, and “upcycle” them to make high-value fertilizer or biogas, bringing additional income to the community.

A video provided by 'Business Insider' media shows whole process of sanitary pads making from banana waste....

Saathi is using revenue from sales to subsidize pads for users in rural areas. Women in parts of rural India, like Jharkhand where the initiative is taking place, suffer from stigma and lost working days, due to lack of access to menstrual products. The initiative is called #OneMillionPads and is taking donations via the company’s website. Saathi pads are available in India for INR 224 for a pack of eight.

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