Chinese scientists discovers Robotic AI nanny to look after Baby Embryos in Artificial Womb


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Today,  more and more Chinese youngsters are pushing the idea of having children just to  focus on career due to the huge expenditure on the birth and upbringing of a child in China as well as high living costs in larger Chinese cities. As a result China is seeing the slowest growth in population in decades. Here the birth rate  has recently fallen to its lowest level in six decades. Therefore, it is believed that to overcome this problem, scientists are developing AI based technology.

Chinese scientists from Suzhou in China’s eastern Jiangsu province have developed Robotic Artificial Intelligence system that can monitor and take care of embryos as they grow into fetuses in an artificial womb environment what could be a breakthrough for the future of childbearing in a country facing its lowest birth rates in decades.

“Now women will not need to keep the child in their womb for nine months, she will also get rid of problems during pregnancy. This technology allows her fetus to grow outside her body in a safe yet efficient way. She will be able to watch the child grow into an artificial embryo, as well as robots to monitor the fetus”- scientists claimed.

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'An artificial womb is intended to facilitate the process of ectogenesis, which is the development of a fetus in an artificial environment following transfer from a maternal womb. The biobag is a sealed bag that has umbilical cord access and an oxygenator circuit.'

This AI nanny is looking after a large number of animal embryos for now. Watching them develop. The findings were published in the domestic peer-reviewed Journal of Biomedical Engineering last month.

Scientists told the South China Morning Post (SCMP) Media Institute, "that this technology is helping us understand the evolution of life. Apart from this, through this we will be able to understand the development of human embryos more closely in future. Birth related problems will be overcome. Along with this, you will be able to take care of reproductive health."

The device that’s named ‘long-term embryo culture device’ is a container where they have mouse embryos growing inside cubes lined up, each filled with nutritious fluids.

The artificial womb with 'AI nanny': Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology

In the initial stages, the development of each embryo had to be observed, documented and adjusted manually. However, now they've got an AI nanny that monitors the embryos in crazy detail.

AI nanny and  the technology of artificial embryos has been developed in such a way that all types of activity can be observed in a completely controlled environment. In this the pattern of changes and development in the body can be understood. These embryos are being prepared with the help of an in Vitro Culture System. For which AI nanny  has been deployed for monitoring.

This AI nanny helps the machine observe minutest changes on the embryos and finely tune the CO2, nutrition and environmental inputs. The system is also capable of ranking the embryos based on health and development potential. If an embryo dies or suffers a defect, the machine would alert a technician to remove it from the system.

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Experts however claim that the research on later stages is important as several mysteries still exist about the physiology of typical human embryonic development. They claim that this tech would help understand the origin of life as well as embryonic development, while also offering a way to solve birth defects and major reproductive health issues.

It is a nice concept when the nation has banned the idea of surrogacy and any hospital delivering such a baby would have to bear the child’s responsibility, something no hospital wishes to.

If this AI nanny system gets approval in future it could prove the level of progress and acceptance of the researchers. However, the idea is surrounded by ethical and social concerns as well as psychological implications on the child.

Surveys show young Chinese women increasingly rejecting the traditional priorities of marriage and children, despite the drastic easing of China's one-child policy and other state incentives. Mass production of babies in an artificial womb plant might help maintain the population in a country where citizens are not keen to bear children.

AI nanny  seems too good to be true but,  it will have to overcome a ton of challenges to be acceptable -- current international laws don’t allow experimental studies on human embryos beyond two weeks of development.

"If everyone is born this way, fair enough. But if some children are given birth to by parents, and some by the government, there will be a big problem.” - experts says


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