Luca Luce creates stunning 3D optical illusions on his own body with makeup


Italian celebrity makeup artist Luca Luce 

The Italian  makeup artist Luca Luce,  exhibits the astonishing power of makeup, creating mind-blowing looks that are equally creepy as they are captivating.

The 43-year-old artist has been working as a TV celebrity makeup artist for more than 18 years, however, in 2014 he decided to try something new and create optical illusion makeup looks. He then takes playing with perspective to a whole new level by using his own face as canvas for his mind-blogging artwork, he also treats his head,  arms, and hands as a canvas, too.

More than highlights and accentuates facial features, he distorts, confuses and redefines them -creating looks that are creepy yet captivating at the same time.

This skilled artist has more than 20 years of experience to create hyper realistic 3D illusion art, he is able to reshape his entire head into all sorts of creative structures. 

'I am inspired by everything from magic and fantasy, I never attended art school but I love makeup and 3D art, so I got the idea of trying to paint images on my hand using make up'- Luca said.

The time it takes to paint each piece is different. 'For a small job like a spider resting on the face, it takes just half an hour' he continues. 'For something more complex like cubism on the whole face it can take two hours or more.'

Currently Luce has 252k followers on his Instagram account who are astonished and mesmerized by his artwork. Many of his 3D illusion photos instantly became viral. He receives a lot of likes and positive comments asking him to create even more masterpieces. 


Watch the makeup genius in action.

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